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Krstašica PLUM 5

For our plum brandy, we choose only ripe fruits from our orchards. Golden color, aromatic composition and full taste is obtained thanks to its aging for 5 years in serbian oak barrels. The extremely rich scent of ripe plums intertwined with aromas of prunes and vanilla, with a slight touch of spicy notes and very impressive finish full of sweetness.

To produce brandy selectively, fully ripe and healthy fruits are harvested. In preparation for fermentation, pits are removed from the fruit, and fermentation is conducted in controlled conditions, which is a precondition for quality raw material for distillation. Distillation is done in the old traditional way in copper boilers (casers) with modern technological procedures to separate quality fractions. Upon completion of the distillation, KRSTAŠICA plum brandy will be aged for 5 years in oak barrels and then is ready for bottling and cruising around the world.

It is excellent as an aperitif drink or as a companion of traditional mezetluk (fatty cheeses and cured meat delicacies), roasting, grilled meat or as a digestive.

2.280,00 RSD

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700 ml




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